
Red, White & Blue Salad

This could possibly be my most favorite salad in the world.  It is absolutely delicious.  Sweet Basil Cafe is a yummy restaurant in Florence, Alabama that serves this wonderful salad.  I have to say, I cannot even get my husband to go here, because he thinks it is too "fru fru" or girly.  He is missing out, but I fixed this salad for him just last week and he really liked it.  It is so easy.  The combination of fruits with bleu cheese and the poppyseed vinaigrette dressing make it out of this world!

This salad includes mixed greens, grilled chicken (or no chicken), strawberries, blueberries, bleu cheese crumbles and poppyseed vinaigrette dressing (tastes just like Sweet Basil - thanks to my dear friend Scarlett who let me steal the recipe from her).

Baby spring mix greens (Sam's) and grilled chicken
Bleu cheese crumbles

Sesame Poppyseed Vinaigrette

1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp poppy seed
1 tsp sesame seed
1 tsp grated onion
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp salt
1 tsp dry mustard
6 Tbs white vinegar or apple cidar vinegar
1 cup vegetable oil

Mix together the sugar and seeds. Next whisk in the vinegar and oil 1
tablespoon at a time, alternating each one (to dissolve the sugar).
Then, whisk in the other ingredients. Refrigerate.

Such a yummy and beautiful salad.  You have to try it!


Nancy said... 1

ok.. seriously... it is 5:30 am and I want to eat that. Thanks for the tip. My kids will eat it too if it has strawberries. Yummmmmy :)

Katie said... 2

Yay! I LOVE this salad at Sweet Basil but I didn't know how to make the dressing. Thanks for posting the recipe!

The Penter Family said... 3

I LOVE this salad. I had it at Sweet Basil Cafe with Cort and Amy once. I can't wait to make it!

Anonymous said... 4

Looks yummy! I'll have to try it.


McKinney Madness said... 5

I make this salad ALL the time in the summer! It's very light but super filling. I never had the recipe for the salad dressing though, so this will make it even better! THANKS!

willowbird35 said... 6

I stumbled across your blog from another blog (you've heard that story a million times, I bet!). I have to compliment you on the style of your blog. I really like it!! Very clean and simple and not too busy! That aside...That salad looks awesome! I have added strawberries and blueberries to my grocery list and plan to make it soon!

Alicia said... 7

Thanks for the recipe!! This was dinner last Thursday night and it was so yummy!

myletterstoemily said... 8

i can totally see that this would taste
delicious. thanks for the recipe.

you have an adorable blog. love the
polka dots!

Digital Papier said... 9

Thanks for sharing this salad recipe it looks so refreshing!

Anonymous said... 10

OMG, I am so hungry now! These look delish. Thanks for the great pictures! I have a new blog; take a peek when you get a chance! Maria

Kendra said... 11

Yum! Looks delicious!!! :) I am going to try this for sure! Thanks for sharing!

carlotta cisternas said... 12

that salad looks awesome! i'm gonna have to try it :)

the monkeys' mama said... 13

are y'all ever coming back? we miss you!

Val said... 14

Looks delicious! I'm a basil lover ha ha ha!

Anonymous said... 15

I've had the Red, White & Blue salad...love it!

Is this the actual recipe or a close imitation? I took some of the dressing to a chef & we both agreed the base was probably Italian dressing. The deep red color was too much for it to be just red wine vinegar, possibly roasted red peppers?

I haven't made your version yet, though I intend to give it a whirl.
I'm fairly sure the Cafe version has crack cocaine in it cause I'm addicted to it.

Anonymous said... 16

oh my GOSH. this looks so delicious. i have approximately five of these ingredients. but i need to buy the rest because this is begging to be made. thank you!

Anonymous said... 17

Sounds fab! Definitely one to try! Thank you.

Stacey said... 18

it also has toasted pecans and green onions

Stacey said... 19

It is funny, too.....I HATE blueberries AND bleu cheese, but in this salad, I LOVE it.....very addictive

Kristin said... 20

I used to live in Florence and had this salad at least once a week for lunch! Can't wait to make it! Thanks!!

gamesbx1102 said... 21

it's very interesting. I like it very much

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