
We're back...with a giveaway!

Sorry it's been so long but we're finally back!  We have a couple of recipes coming up that are great for these cold winter months.  But, in the meantime, we're giving away a $25 gift card to Cracker Barrel.  It's such a great winter restaurant to go to because they have that awesome fireplace that makes you feel so nice and cozy.  It seems like every time we eat there we have to stand by the fire a little before the meal and after.  We love it!

To enter this giveway just tell us... what is your favorite thing to eat during the winter?  Oh...and leave your  email address so we can reach you.  :) 

This giveaway will end Wednesday night at 7:00 pm.

Good luck!!

Congratulations to Melissa (entry # 55)!  You are the winner of the Cracker Barrel gift card.  A big thanks to all of you for all your comments.  We had so much fun reading them.


  1. Ya! I have been waiting for this give away for a while! I enjoy all of your guy's posts! Thanks so much for posting! haha My favorite thing to eat during the winter is hot chocolate and roasted anything! I like roasted meat, roasted candy and anything like that. I am glad that its a cracker barrel gift card because they put one in by us not too long ago! My email address is kenzie_amick@hotmail.com. Thanks again!

  2. Yah! I'm glad you guys are back too! I can't wait for the new recipes you will be posting! Our family's favorite things to eat during the winter months are hot soups.... all kinds! Tonight we had corn and sausage chowder for dinner. Delicious and perfect for this cold weather!

  3. Welcome back!!! I love to drink hot tea during the winter. I also love any kind of soup--Taco Soup, Potato Soup, Chicken Noodle Soup...Anything warm and filling! :)


  4. Hot soups are great winter eating... Chili, Potato Soup, Vegetable Soup. Something nice and hot to warm you on cold winter evenings. =)


  5. I love Cracker Barrel! I think my favorite winter food is beef stew! It's so thick and yummy with some bread! I hope I win! My email is: superwoman_200@msn.com.

  6. Glad you are back!!! I love making Chili when it's really cold outside. My family and I also love Cracker Barrel!

  7. I love any type of soup or stew!!! Can't wait to see what y'all have in store for 2010!

  8. A Happy New Year to you Brooke and Paige!

    OMGoodness! We don't have "winter" here in Hawaii but I'll try to answer this question anyway. {GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU, YOU'VE BEEN AWAY TOO LONG! :)} Missed y'all!

    Okay, New Year's is a big celebration here in Hawaii. There are lots of family traditions from various ethnic groups (Hawaii is known as the "melting pot") and many different foods eaten during this time. I enjoy eating sashimi/poke (raw fish), shoyu pork (Okinawan dish), and ozoni soup (Japanese soup made with chicken stock, ozoni {similar to watercress}, and mochi {rice cake}). Boy you got a lesson in culture didn't you! :)

    email: 1luvnmama@gmail.com

    Oh, one last thing, we don't have Cracker Barrel here, but I'll play along anyway. :)

  9. I want this gift card! :) I love soups in the Winter...especially Taco Soup!

  10. We LOVE any kind of chili. It makes you feel so good when it's cold outside!! Paige-Your taco soup is also wonderful!

  11. I love giveaways...and Cracker Barrell is a good choice!
    Mmmm...soup is wonderful, but I think my absolute favorite is chili with warm french bread.

    email: kellibell22@yahoo.com

  12. During the winter we love to have a good cup of soup along with a panni sandwich! Nothing better on a cold night! email: phishgirl6@hotmail.com

  13. Our family enjoys chicken and dumplings on a cold evening! Of course soups are fantastic choices as well!


  14. I love CRACKER BARREL during the winter!! And soup of course... my favorite is Chicken Tortilla soup from McAlister's!

  15. We love soup or my grandmother's beef stew when it's cold outside. Cracker Barrel's potato casserole would hit the spot too!

  16. I love chicken n dumplins!! but any soup or stew will do for me in the winter!! I also love some cracker barrell!! Never commented here before but love checking out ya'lls blog... (found it through Joy) lookin forward to following ya'll through 2010!!

  17. Welcome back and happy New Year!

    My fave meal in the winter is homemade veggie chili in the crockpot. I LOVE it!

  18. soup beans & dumplings. so so good!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. potato soup...mmm...


  21. i am a new reader to your blog and love it! i just made a tutu for my 8 month old and it turned out so cute! anyway, i love soup in the winter...tomato soup and grilled cheese is pretty hard to beat!
    carebo (at) hotmail (dot) com

  22. Easy - my favorite thing to eat in the winter is soup! I live in AZ so it's warm 80% of the time. So when we have 2 or 3 cold months, I take advantage of it and eat/cook as much soup as I can!

  23. Mmmm... I love tamales in the winter time. It's the only time my husband has enough time off work to stay home and help me make them!


  24. I love your giveaways and of course your other posts! Great ideas!

    Anyhow, my favorite thing to have when it is cold is soup. Currently I am loving potatoe, cheese and bacon soup made in the crockpot. Chicken tortilla soup is a close second though!

  25. aww i just found your blog!! love the scripture!!
    olive garden's toscana soup!!! it is soooo good!!
    I just started my blog :)hope you like the give away!!
    God bless

  26. I make soups a lot! Yum.


  27. Potato soup is my fave but just about any soup will do!


  28. This is my first time to comment but have enjoyed reading your blog. You guys have so many great ideas. My favorite thing during the winter is taco soup or chili!!!

  29. A bowl of chili !!!!!!

  30. Gumbo! :)

  31. Yeah! I'm glad you're back! I love oatmeal in the winter! I'm a nurse, so I have to get up early and oatmeal just warms me right up!

    Molly Back

  32. Hey girls! My favorite thing to eat in the winter is my mom's recipe for O'Charley's potato soup. Yummy!

  33. Anything warm to eat,
    Is a winter nice treat,
    Potatoe, taco, and veggie soup galore,
    Oh how these soups in winter I adore!

    Nothing goes better with warm soup than a grilled cheese sandwhich and sweet tea! YUM!
    P.S. I heart Cracker Barrel. :)



  34. enter me! i love soups & cracker barrel beef stew!

  35. Potato Soup and Chicken and Dumplings


  36. I love anything homemade...even my chili and cornbread. Yum! Now I'm hungry!!!

  37. I love a bowl of chili with fresh from the oven cinnamon rolls.



  38. I love white chili or creamy potato soup...true comfort foods!


  39. Welcome back!! My favorite thing to eat in the winter is soup - white chili, taco soup, beef stew - anything thick and hearty!


  40. My fav thing to eat is a hot bowl of chili with tons of toppings. I also enjoy a piece of garlic cheese bread right along with it.


  41. I LOVE chicken and dumplings and broccoli and cheese soup (from Jason's Deli of course). And as far as Cracker Barrel goes, I could LIVE off of their homemade sourdough croutons--especially dipped in a baked potato soup....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    --Scarlett (Scarlett0128@gmail.com)

    January 5, 2010 3:29 PM

  42. I love to eat soup during the winter. Really, anything made in a crock pot is delicous and makes enough to last several days! Yay! Can't wait to try some of your new recipes.

  43. Welcome back! Missed y'all...I love to eat chicken n dumplings.

  44. Dear Thai Food...spicy, warm, delicious Thai Food,

    How you warm me.
    How you comfort me.
    I'd eat you in a train,
    I'd eat you in the rain
    I'd eat you on the moon
    I'd eat you with a spoon.

    Pad Thai Noodles,
    Pad Thai Basil Chicken, extra spicy
    Tom Yum Soup
    You are all wonderful to me.

    In the wintertime, when it is so cold and drab, I can count on you to warm me up, through and through. You're spicy, you're tasty, you are like warm sunshine on my skin. But alas, I live in Florence, Alabama
    which is so far away from Thai Garden in Huntsville that
    I cannot enjoy you.

    So unless Paige lets me hide in the backseat next time they go
    it will be awhile until I have you.

    Until then I will think of you constantly.
    A Winter Thai Food Lover

  45. Hi girls! My favorite winter time food is chicken and dumplings. In fact, I ate it at Cracker Barrel just last week! Cracker Barrel is my favorite restaurant. :-) Happy 2010!!


  46. Hey girls! My families favorite things to eat during the winter are homemade Chili and Weight Watchers Taco Soup! Delicious!


  47. HaPPy to see you're back =) I love loaded baked potato soup with lots of homemade cornbread!

  48. HMMMMM...what ISN'T my favorite thing to eat during the Winter, heck why limit it to Winter??? (just teasin!!!) I guess that I would have to say soups. I LOVE my crockpot, LIFESAVER! And it wouldn't be winter without some hot apple cider. MMMM wish I had some right now :)
    If I win then I will be enjoying some of their dumplings so I need to win :)

  49. Missed you by the way! Glad your back.

  50. My favorite thing...my grandmother's chicken noodle soup. She spent one afternoon really showing me how to cook it, and it is my family's favorite. So simple, yet so delicious.

  51. Definitely soup. and I love Cracker Barrel's Vegetable soup. Glad yall are back! :)

  52. soup! and a fireplace sounds really nice right now!
    Pam Going Postal

  53. Hey girls, Glad you're back! We love some Cracker Barrel! My favorite thing to eat in the winter is snow cream but of course that requires snow! Maybe we'll get some tomorrow. I also love a good cup of hot chocolate!

  54. I love pintos and cornbead, and chicken stew in the winter!

  55. Hi! I'm kind of new to your site and can't wait to try some of your recipes! I love Cracker Barrell!!! My favorite things in the winter are all of the holiday baking goodies and warm soups and chili. I like making chili in fall/winter but never make it during summer.

  56. Love warm comforting foods in the winter - soups, grilled cheese, chili, etc. gsc418@yahoo.com

  57. Yay! I am glad y'all are back! I love to eat soup in the winter time. I just got this recipe today and I am going to make it tonight in preparation for the "big" snow we are supposed to get tomorrow.

    Tex-Mex Chicken Taco Soup (Food Network)
    1/2 cup diced onions
    1/2 cup diced green bell peppers
    1 tablespoon minced garlic
    Vegetable oil
    1 pound chicken breasts, boiled and shredded
    1 package taco seasoning mix
    1 (8-ounce) jar salsa (I used Rotel tomatoes instead)
    1 (14-ounce) can kernel corn
    1 (14-ounce) can hominy (Left out this time because I did not have any)
    1 (16-ounce) can ranch style beans ( I used black beans)
    2 (4-ounce) cans tomato paste ( Only used one can and it tasted fine)
    2 (14-ounce) cans chicken broth
    1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese ( I only used a 1/2 a pkg)
    Saute onions, green bell peppers, and garlic in a small amount of vegetable oil. Add chicken, taco seasoning mix, salsa, vegetables, beans, tomato paste, and chicken broth. Adjust liquid to your liking. Bring to a slow simmer and simmer for 20 minutes. Place cream cheese in a separate bowl. Using a measuring cup, take some of the hot liquid from the soup and pour over cream cheese to melt and then add back to the soup. Simmer on low for another 10 minutes. Serve with tortilla chips and grated Monterey jack cheese.

    Also, great on the second day over rice.


  58. My favorite thing is Chicken n Dumplin's they are so yummy and filling!


  59. I love y'alls posts! My fav has to be chicken tortilla soup...or anything my husband has made!

  60. My favorite winter food is made in the crock pot. It does not matter much what it is as long as I can smell it all day long!

  61. Chicken wild rice soup tops my list! :o)


  62. I LOVE Chili in the winter! Just love it! I made a pot today because it's been cold and blistery. It has snowed for over a week without a moments break so I thought some Chili and scrapping would make for a GREAT day! :-)

